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Vanilla Panna Cotta

Form-Panna Cotta
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  • prep time - 10 mins
  • cook time - 360 mins
  • total time - 370 mins
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  • serves - 6

If a creamy Panna Cotta has been in your dairy free dreams, we promise this version will not disappoint! It’s also sugar free and it doesn’t require fancy equipment or technical cooking skills – just a bit of patience to wait for the setting, so make sure you plan ahead.


  • 750ml Full fat canned coconut milk 
  • ½ Vanilla pod, seeds scraped out
  • 1 ½ tsp Agar agar powder 
  • 40g Pure Via stevia 
  • 20g Performance vanilla


  1. Blitz everything until smooth. Heat mixture in the pan until just before boiling, stirring continuously.
  2. Keep stirring and heating for 3 minutes until the mixture has begun to thicken.
  3. Take off the heat and allow to cool a little before pouring into moulds or little glasses.
  4. Place in the fridge to set for at least 4-6 hours, or overnight.
  5. When you're ready to serve, dip the panna cotta moulds into boiling water for a couple of seconds to loosen them, and tip each one onto a plate.
  6. Serve the panna cotta with berry compote.

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