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Creamy Citrus Smoothie

creamy citrus smoothie
form eat prep icon
  • total time - 2 mins
form eat prep icon

  • serves - 1

Citrus fruits are some of the most underused and underrated additions to shakes and smoothies. For summer smoothie perfection, this holds true particularly to juicy clementines, which rarely ever get to star in shakes before berries and bananas.

On top of the vitamin benefits of adding citrus fruits to your smoothie creations, this vegan citrus smoothie boasts a generous helping of plant-based protein from Form vanilla Performance Protein. Performance is formulated with 30g of multi-sourced plant-based protein and Curcumin C3 to help build muscle, recover and meet your training goals quicker in one easy shake that tastes amazing, even with just water.





In the order in which they're listed, add each of the ingredients to your blender and blitz for around 20 seconds, or until smooth in texture. Serve ice cold for a refreshing drink at any time of day.

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