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Vanilla & Blueberry Ice Lollies

Vanilla and blueberry ice lolly
form eat prep icon
  • prep time - 5 mins
  • total time - 300 mins
form eat prep icon

  • serves - 1

We know it’s starting to get kinda hot out there, but everybody chill — we got a protein-packed ice lollie recipe to help you cool down the tasty way, using Form’s delicious Vanilla Performance and one of our all-time favourite summer fruits, the brilliant blueberry.


  • ½ cup thick coconut yogurt
  • 1 tbsp Performance Vanilla
  • ½ tbsp blueberry fruit spread
  • 3-5 blueberries


  1. Mix all ingredients, pour into ice lollies moulds, place in the freezer and wait at least five hours before serving.
  2. Pro-tip: let it chill for 10 minutes before eating it.

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