Grapeseed Extract: The Powerful Antioxidant Whose Benefits Are More Than Skin-Deep
A rich source of the minerals calcium and phosphorus as well vitamin A, there’s a lot of good in grapes besides all that champagne popping. Here we’re burrowing deep down though; through the skin, past the juicy flesh and into those grape seeds you occasionally have to fish out from your molars.
It’s these seeds you see that are a real hero ingredient in our beauty supplement, Radiant, extracted for all their visage-boosting goodness. So what is this goodness we speak about? Well here’s our ingredient spotlight breakdown, a 101 on all you need to know about grapeseed extract and why it’s so good for you.
Grapeseed Extract Benefits
With grapeseed extract being a key part of our beauty supplement, you might think the benefits are all rather skin deep. And sure when it comes to increasing cell turnover and collagen synthesis, there’s lots of benefits there for your skin, hair, and nails (more on this a bit later).
But there’s also a whole lot to be said about the what grapeseed extract can do for your health in other ways. For example a 2016 review of 16 studies on a combined 810 participants found that those with high blood pressure taking 100–2,000 mg of grapeseed extract daily were able to significantly reduce their blood pressure, with the most promising results coming from lower daily doses of 100–800 mg.
Another study on 17 healthy postmenopausal women across eight weeks found taking 400 mg of grapeseed extract had blood-thinning effects which could have the potential to reduce the risk of blood clots, while increased blood circulation also has the effect of improving the colour, texture and appearance of our skin.
Finally, and arguably the standout benefit of grapeseed extract is its effect on oxidative damage. A powerful antioxidant, grapeseed extract has been found to reduce ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol oxidation in a number of studies, including a 2016 study from the Illinois Institute of Technology, which saw an average 13.9 percent reduction in oxidized LDL among the 61 participants after they had taken a 400 mg dose of grapeseed extract.
Powerful antioxidants like those within grapeseed extract can have a significant effect on tackling the proteins in our skin, which might go on to explain grapeseed extract’s positive effects on collagen production, a defining feature of young, healthy looking skin.
How to Take Grapeseed Extract
Ok, we’ve gone through the benefits, now let’s take a look at how you get all of that into your bodies and working it’s magic. So, grapeseed extract is made by removing, drying, and then finally pulverizing the seeds of grapes and can be found in liquid or powder for, usually contained within a capsule.
As anyone who’s spent any time chewing through them will tell you, grape seeds are rather bitter, and the extract can be too in high quantities. This bitterness isn’t great for our tastebuds, but it is for our bodies, as it indicates a rich content of nutrients within the grapeseed extract. It’s best taken then in smaller quantities with something sweet and flavourful like a smoothie to cover the aforementioned bitter taste, or as a quick and easy pill that’s gone before you know it.
Studies on grapeseed extract have shown doses up to 800mg a day for 8-16 weeks to be generally safe and well-tolerated. Our own Radiant supplement contains 100mg of grapeseed extract per two capsule serving making it well within tolerable range while also getting all those benefits. We’ve also engineered Radiant to be as flavourless as possible, so you can get that coveted glow without having to worry about taste. It’s beauty, made easy.
Radiant combines scientifically-backed nutrients for healthy hair, skin and nails with Coll-egan® for vegan collagen support. An innovative first, Radiant is more than just a beauty supplement, it’s all the nutrients you need to shine.