The Steps Form Has Made (And Is Making) On the Journey to Net Zero

Net Zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere, and reaching it has been our goal at Form since the beginning. Here’s co-founder Peter O’Donoghue with how we’re doing.
Net Zero By 2030
“At Form we’ve always had social and environmental impact at the forefront of what we do. Along with over 1000 other B Corps we’ve made a strong commitment to significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, leading to Net Zero by 2030, which is a full 20 years ahead of the 2050 targets set out in the Paris Agreement.
As we walk this path to Net Zero we’ve decided to work with ClimatePartner, an international consultancy company who specialise in working with businesses like us to formulate and implement gas reduction strategies.
We have also started working with SeaTrees, a California-based non-profit who protect and restore coastal ecosystems to protect ocean health and fight climate change. The ocean contains 90 percent of the carbon in the global carbon cycle, and protecting and restoring it is one of the most effective ways to suck carbon out of the atmosphere.
SeaTrees work on a number of projects around the world including conservation work on mangrove forests in Cambodia and restoring kelp off the Palos Verdes Peninsula in Los Angeles.
Measure, Offset, Reduce, Communicate
To achieve our ambitious and challenging Net Zero by 2030 goal, we are breaking the journey into these four important stages.
Before we can do anything else we first needed to understand how many emissions we were currently producing across our product ranges and operational processes. We have now completed this meticulous process with the help of ClimatePartner.
In working with an offsetting partner, we can immediately balance out the emissions we release into the atmosphere with the ones we remove through carbon savings. This means we can get to carbon neutrality for our individual product ranges and as a company overall.
By partnering with SeaTrees we have now ticked this box too — you might notice their Ocean Positive badge on our packaging moving forward as a proud symbol of our carbon neutrality.
While the first two steps can be completed in a shorter time frame, this step is a much longer process as we create and implement a strategy to bring our emissions as close to zero as possible across our entire supply chain and operational process.
One example of this is the work we are doing to substitute our glass jars with compostable versions, complete with compostable lids and labels. This will significantly reduce the end of life emissions created when packaging is disposed of. As with fully colour printed pouches and sachets earlier in our journey, we will be one of the first supplement brands in the world to do this.
We want to inform and involve you as much as possible in the process, by communicating our journey and the challenges and milestones along the way. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to use our business as a force for good.”