Sign up to Our Email Short Course on the Keto Diet

The keto diet is increasingly being held up as a nutritional utopia, but before you jump aboard this low-carb, high-fat phenomenon, we have some things to unpack.
Written by our Head of Nutrition, Dr Adam Collins, PhD Nutritionist and Director of the MSc Nutrition at the University of Surrey, over the course of five daily emails we’ll aim to introduce you to the basics of the ketogenic diet, from its origins to the biochemistry said to induce a metabolic advantage, plus performance and mental benefits.
First used as a treatment for epilepsy, with trials recorded in the 1920s, the keto diet has gone through many developments in the time between then and becoming one of nutrition’s most searched subjects. By and large, it has become immensely popular as a tool to lose weight and shed body fat, but as we’ll uncover in our course, the reasons for may not quite align with what the literature generally tells us.
As with any diet, this one has its share of die-hard backers who won’t hear a bad word said about it, and those approaching with more caution. Our course takes both sides into account in five, easy-to-digest emails grounded in science and written by an expert of the field.
Topics covered in our keto course are:
- Day 1: What is the keto diet?
- Day 2: How does the keto diet work?
- Day 3: Proven benefits of the keto diet
- Day 4: Criticisms of the keto diet
- Day 5: The future of keto
Each email is between 800 and 1,200 words, and you should leave with a much better understanding of whether the keto diet is right for you. Sign up below to receive the course to your inbox for free.
By signing up you’ll receive the course by email as described, and you’ll also join our community where we put out interesting and useful advice on a weekly email basis. You can opt-out from any of this communication at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of emails or by contacting us. We will never share your email. Happy learning!
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Check out all our free email series’ and short courses, including Intermittent Fasting, Stress & Chrono Nutrition, here.